Non NHS Services
The NHS provides free health care for most people.
It is important to understand that GPs are self employed and not all of the services we provide are covered by NHS payments to the practice.
Please expect a fee for non NHS services. The staff or your doctor should inform you of any charges before carrying out non NHS work.
We also offer private medicals which may be needed by any agency, such as your employer, or for overseas visa applications. Please contact the practice for further details.
We charge for private work prior to any work being undertaken
Requesting Private Work
Any request for private work MUST be made in writing to the practice.
This can either be a letter posted to us, an email sent to our practice or documents handed in at reception.
Any request must also contain at least THREE identifying factors such as; patient name, date of birth, address and/or NHS Number. In addition, please ensure we have the most up to date contact information for you.
Once the request has been received, it will be processed by our secretaries and doctors. Whoever requested the information (yourself or a company on your behalf) should be responded to within 21 working days of the request being received.
Some requests may need extra information before we can process them e.g. you may need to arrange an opticians appointment, have blood tests or examinations.
Please be advised you will be informed of any fee due and an invoice will be produced BEFORE we complete or send out any medical reports. If you wish to see the report before it is sent to the requesting company, please inform reception or the secretaries.
Some work that may fall into the catergory of Non NHS work is listed below:
If you are needing a copy of your medical record, you can try accessing your SystmOnline account HERE first. This will give you access to your medical summary for FREE. You can also view your full clinical record on the NHS App.
Items which can be billed include:
- GP Report (including Targeted, Supplementary and Insurance reports)
- Medical Record Extracts
- DVLA Questionnaires
- Disability Living Allowance (DHSS)
- DS1500
- Employment Medicals
- Army, Navy & RAF Medicals
- Driving Medical (e.g. HGV, Taxi and Passenger Carrying Vehicles)
- Sickness Certificate Letter
- Fitness to Travel Certificates or Letters
- Holiday Cancellation Insurance Claim Certificate
- “To Whom It May Concern Letter” (e.g. To Confirm Carrying of Medication on a Plane)
- Private Prescriptions
- School Letters (e.g. Illness During Exams)
- Mortgage PPI Disability Claim Form
- Accident and Sickness Forms
- Private Healthcare Form
- “To Whom It May Concern” Letter
- Report for Childminder / OFSTED Health Decleration Form
- Cremation Certificates
- Private Blood Tests (U/E, LFT, LIPIDS)
- Concessions Buss Pass