Social Prescribing with the Village Health Group
The Village Health Group can now make use of Social Prescribing to help our patients get the best care possible. Social Prescribing:
- Empowers people
- Tackles health inequalities
- Helps with underlying social needs
- Is available to all primary care networks
- Offers conversations with social prescribing link workers within the community
Rushcliffe Social Prescribing project – Paradise allotments wins the Celebrating Rushcliffe Health and Wellbeing Award
Congratulations to the Rushcliffe Social Prescribing team, who were presented with the Health and Wellbeing Award at the annual Celebrating Rushcliffe Awards last month.
The 2021 Awards celebrated the Borough’s wonderful volunteers, businesses and environmentalists, its clubs and organisations, and the best of its health and wellbeing and food and drink sectors, mindful of the impact Covid-19 has had on every part of the community and local enterprise.
The Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Group’s award came for their work at the Ruddington Paradise Gardens allotments, where they manage a plot which gives people at risk of social isolation or loneliness a quiet space to socialise and learn about gardening.
The project has been driven by social prescribing link worker Sophie Taylor who, alongside the Rushcliffe team, came up with the idea during lockdown when many activities that were traditionally held inside were put on hold and support services were primarily being delivered over the phone.
Speaking in August, Social Prescribing Link Worker Team Leader Morgan Sharpe said: “The pandemic has led to an increase in people struggling with their mental health, and we’re all suffering from social isolation.
“We want people to come down here and enjoy the space. It gets people out, it gets people socialising and it’s no pressure. We have raised beds for those unable to do things on the floor. Just get involved and enjoy it!