Useful Links

NHS and GOV website links

NHS website  ➡

The NHS website contains a vast amount of help and knowledge about general health. It can be useful for finding information on health issues and also holds lots of useful contact numbers.

NHS England  ➡

NHS England is an organisation which is available to help better support the NHS and help deliver better quality of healthcare to patients.  ➡

The Gov website has plenty of useful information for our patients ranging from prescription charges information to downloadable self certification forms.

Website Links Commonly Requested by Patients

AGE UK Aims to promote the wellbeing of older people and to help make later life fulfilling and enjoyable
ASTHMA UK Charity aiming to improve the health and wellbeing of people whose lives are affected by asthma
BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION A charity funding research into heart disease and support services for patients
CANCER RESEARCH UK Charity funding research into all aspects of cancer
DEMENTIA UK Telephone and email support for people who are affected by dementia
MACMILLAN Supports the aim for better cancer care
RETHINK Charity that supports everyone affected by mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
SAMARITANS Provides confidential emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair

Help with Rising Costs

Help For HouseholdsWe know people are worried so the government is offering help for households. See what cost of living support you could be eligible for.
Warm Spaces in NottinghamWarm Spaces are places where people can gather for free in a warm, safe, welcoming place and maybe enjoy a hot drink and some company.You can use one of the interactive maps to find your nearest space with Warm Welcome or Warm Spaces. Type in your postcode and this will bring up any local warm spaces near you.



Information Regarding Your Outpatient Appointment

Do you have an outpatient appointment that you are not sure of or would like more information on wait times and waiting lists.